A Simple Guide to Integrate eNom Reseller API

ENOM is a domain registrar and Web Hosting company. It sells other products which are closely tied with domain names such as SSL, email and Website Building Software. To integrate eNom Reseller API in your application, you will need the following:

  • Active Reseller Account
  • API Test Account

You need to follow the steps given below to setup the API Test Account:

  1. Login to your eNom account and then visit
  2. Click on Setup your account for the testing server
  3. Click on Reset your account balance in the test environment to $5,000
  4. If you’re going use the API in the test environment, click on the option of Adding/Editing/Deleting the IP addresses which are allowed to access your account on the test server
  5. Enter the static IP address from which you’ll be running test API commands
  6. Save the changes

You may now log in at or run API commands using your test account against the Test URL.

You can find a complete list of functionality available through eNom API from .

Domain management is widely used and usually it involves the following steps:

  • Check Domain Availability Command
  • Purchase Command (It is a tricky one specially when it comes to Purchase the domain using your customer’s credit card.)

In order to purchase the domain using your customer’s credit card, you have to use the following command:

For a complete list of params, visit this .

For a credit card purchase, your reseller have to Agree to the Terms and Conditions of Credit Card Processing agreement as shown in the following screenshot: