The actual nuts and bolts of how the internet works is not something a people often stop to consider. The problem with that is the inherent danger of data security breaches and identity theft that come along with the cute dog pictures, 24 hour news updates, and great deals online.
Category: News
An Online Computer Degree: Is it Right for You?
Considering an online computer degree? One might imagine that a computer science major is an ideal candidate for an online course of study. Undoubtedly, online learning programs would not exist were it not for the work of well-trained computer science grads. In fact, online learning has its roots in a… Read more“An Online Computer Degree: Is it Right for You?”
Testing in Internet Explorer
Internet Explorer. You either love it or hate it. If your a web developer like myself, the chances you are to hate it. With three different versions currently in use (that all render pages slightly differently) and a fourth in development, it can often be a nightmare getting your page… Read more“Testing in Internet Explorer”
NativeScript and Vue.js: Toast Plugin
We’ll start off by creating a new NativeScript Vue application: # Install the NativeScript CLI npm install nativescript -g # New NativeScript Vue project tns create NSVueToast –template nativescript-vue-template # Change directory cd NSVueToast # Run on iOS tns run ios We can then add the NativeScript plugin: # Add… Read more“NativeScript and Vue.js: Toast Plugin”
Setup a Postfix (outgoing mail) server for PHP on Ubuntu
I’m new to managing my own server, I’ve always left it to WHM and cPanel to look after everything. After signing up with Linode and getting a basic web server up and running (Apache, PHP, MySQL) on an Ubuntu, I hit a problem. I wasn’t able to send email from PHP. I… Read more“Setup a Postfix (outgoing mail) server for PHP on Ubuntu”
How to use the Fetch API with JavaScript
WordPress 404 Error with Advanced Custom Fields Plugin
Applying WordPress Coding Standards and Optimizations to Maintain a Legacy Application
The client of swft #507 has a web application which facilitates the users of the Fortune 500, Federal, State and Government agencies to generate USPS labels, scan report and tracking status. The legacy application was developed using Caspio Bridge and Endicia on WordPress with Avada Theme by his ex-developer. Initially, the automation of all the back-office work processes was required to… Read more“Applying WordPress Coding Standards and Optimizations to Maintain a Legacy Application”